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Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

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School Logo

Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God


At Alston Lane Catholic Primary School and Nursery, we are committed to offering a creative, interesting, and fun curriculum that captures the imagination of every child and helps them to learn. Curriculum entitlement is the name given to the experiences that we wish to provide to every child in Computing, during their time in school.


At Alston Lane, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.

The purpose of this policy is to state how the school intends to make this provision.


• Provide a relevant, challenging, and enjoyable curriculum for IT and computing for all pupils.

• Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for IT and computing.

• Use IT and computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.

• To respond to new developments in technology.

• To equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use IT and computing throughout their later life.

• To enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum using IT and computing.

• To develop the understanding of how to use IT and computing safely and responsibly.


From Nursery to Year 6 all children should have access to up-to-date technology and subject leaders and SLT aim to review technology in school each year to ensure this happens.

Our School Curriculum Overview

Computing Curriculum Journey

Current Advice about managing devices and apps at home
