Whole School Curriculum Overview
'Learning and Growing as Children of God'
At Alston Lane we are very proud of our bespoke curriculum offer. Our intent is to develop the whole child (spiritually, morally, culturally and socially) through our personalised, sequenced, balanced and broad curriculum, so our children have the opportunity to:
- Develop a good character, life skills and knowledge of themselves (Character).
- Become successful, life-long learners (Cognition).
- Make a personal and positive impact in their local community and globally (Community).
The ‘three C’s’ (Character, Cognition, Community) have been carefully woven through each subject so that our children develop the knowledge, skills and wisdom they need to successfully support themselves in their future lives. Our Curriculum Mission, Vision and Aims document below explains our curriculum intent in more depth and each subject has a clear curriculum statement (Intent, Implementation and Impact) which can be found on our curriculum page.
Our ultimate aim is for our children to be intrinsically motivated to learn because of the vibrant, board and creative learning opportunities our curriculum offers. Through our carefully constructed ‘key questions’, our aim is to support children to become inquisitive and reflective learners who are able to organise their knowledge and showcase their understanding of what they have learnt through a variety of real-life outcomes.
By offering a diverse range of enrichment activities across our curriculum, we provide equality of access to knowledge and understanding, where all our pupils can achieve their full potential. These exciting and memorable activities also act as cues which our pupils can use to help retrieve key historical knowledge generating sticky learning.
Our sequenced and progressive curriculum is reviewed regularly by the Senior Leadership Team and our Subject Leaders use our tailor made ‘Quality Assurance Documents’ to monitor and raise standards of teaching and learning in their subject. It is embedded into our culture that sharing ideas and working together as a group of professionals will help us to give the best learning opportunities for our children and as a result, we hold regular ‘Curriculum Focus Meetings’ as part of our yearly staff meeting agenda. We are committed to providing the very best professional development for our staff, so we regularly utilise the Lancashire Subject Specific Consultants, Subject Leader Networks and our cluster networks to provide training in line with our current school improvement plan.
We are committed to creating strong links between school and home, and we have an open-door policy welcoming feedback from our children and families. Every half term, families and children receive a ‘Curriculum Overview’ which highlights what will be learnt during the half term and a ‘Homework Grid’ which ensures that children are engaging in a broad range of home learning activities to enhance our curriculum offer. Weekly core homework is also provided which aims to consolidate learning in the core subjects (Reading, SPAG & Maths).
The document below provides a summary of our foundation subjects across school but please visit our curriculum page for more in depth information on each subject and our core curriculum offer.