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Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

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School Logo

Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

Prayer and Liturgy

As a Catholic school, prayer and worship lie at the heart of our daily life and routines. Our daily worship and liturgies provide an opportunity for children to develop socially, morally, spiritually and prayerfully. Our children engage in a range of worship opportunities including class Masses, collective worship in the classroom, celebration worship and celebrations relevant to the liturgical year. Our children are familiar with the language, silence and reverence of worship. Prayer and worship are shared experiences which are led by staff and children to a high quality.


Timetable of Prayer and Liturgy

Daily morning, lunchtime and end of day prayers are said in the classroom.


Weekly class worship - planned and led by staff or children, linked to the liturgical year or scripture chosen by the children.


Monday 3pm - Whole school worship led by the Headteacher


Wednesday - Class based liturgy using 'The Wednesday Word' liturgical resource.


Thursday 9am - Class Masses, on a weekly rota basis, for children in Year 6 to Year 3. Children take responsibility for the readings and bidding prayers at these Masses.


Friday 2.45pm - Whole school celebration assembly and worship led by the Headteacher


Holy days of obligation - Whole school Masses take place on these days.


Start and end of term - Whole school Masses take place to mark the beginning and end of each term in school.


Feast days and patron saints - Special attention is given to celebrating these days as they arise throughout the liturgical year. Our Lady and Saint Michael are the patron saints of our local parish and as such, we ensure opportunities are taken to worship them:

  • 29th September - Feast day of St Michael the Archangel
  • October - Month of the Rosary
  • May - Month of Mary and our Marian Procession


Reconciliation - Children who have received the Sacrament are given the opportunity to go to confession during Advent and Lent.


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - Children in Year 5 and Year 6 take part in the Parish's 40 hours devotion of the Blessed Sacrament, at the beginning of September.


Diocesan opportunities - Pilgrimage to Lancaster Cathedral, veneration of St Bernadette's relics and involvement within Diocesan special occasions are a feature of our curriculum.

