School Logo

Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

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School Logo

Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

Meet the Staff

Teaching Staff


Mr M FitzGibbon

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs R Woodrow (Assistant Headteacher)

Miss E Rushton (EYFS)

Class Teachers

Nursery                 Miss S Patel (maternity cover)

Reception             Miss E Rushton

Year 1                    Miss O Liptrott

Year 2                    Mrs C Ashton

Year 3                    Miss A Kerrigan

Year 4                    Mr S Moat

Year 5                    Mrs G Watkins

Year 6                    Miss S Jackson

PPA cover             Mrs A Ormerod / Mrs R Woodrow


Mrs R Woodrow


Support Staff

Business Admin

Mrs M Birch

Mrs J Markland

Mrs L Pye

Higher Level Teaching assistants

Mrs P Poulton

Teaching / Nursery Assistants

Mrs L Homer

Mrs L Barr

Mrs D Biscomb

Mrs H Ali

Mrs D Cockerill

Mrs D Bray

Mr M Harris

Mrs M Harrison

Mrs L Gavigan

Mr M Williamson

Mrs A Maymon

Miss F O’Neill

Mrs C Priestley

Mrs M Procter

Mrs T Unsworth

Mrs A Wilkinson

Miss E Cusimano

Mrs J Ashworth

Lunchtime Welfare Assistants

Mrs D Cookson

Mrs L Homer

Mrs A Honnor

Mrs H Lawton

Mrs S Metcalf

Miss T Baldwin

After School Club Manager

Mrs T Unsworth

Site Supervisor

Miss D Singleton


Agency staff
