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Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God

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Alston Lane Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

Learning and Growing as Children of God


Alston Lane Catholic Primary School & Nursery

HRSE/PHSE Curriculum Statement



At Alston Lane, our mission is ‘Learning and Growing as Children of God’ and therefore we keep Jesus at the heart of everything we do.  Our aim is to support children to be inspired by Jesus so they can be the very best version of themselves. By helping children to invite Jesus into their hearts, we aim to help all children develop positive relationships with themselves and others in their lives, so they can grow and flourish with the knowledge that everyone is unique and a beautiful part of God’s creation. By supporting the development of each child’s spiritual, personal, social and emotional, moral, mental, cultural and physical development, we believe that our children will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes to help them thrive in our ever-changing society, making positive contributions to their own and others’ lives.



At Alston Lane we follow the Coram Life Education Scarf Programme, to deliver our HRSE/PSHE curriculum. We have integrated the Core Themes from the HRSE programme, into this scheme to ensure full coverage and we supplement this programme with daily prayers and whole school worship using the Ten:Ten resources.   Our programme adopts a spiralised approach, so that each half term theme is revisited and built upon each year to enable children to develop and grow at an age-appropriate level. These termly themes are Me and My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights & Responsibilities, Being My Best and Growing & Changing. 

In our HRSE/PHSE lessons, learning occurs through workshops, discussions, art, drama and role play alongside many other creative activities.  Each class creates a floor book to showcase their learning journey across the year. This can be revisited at key points to support children with their decision making or support learning in other areas of the curriculum. 

To supplement our curriculum, we invite various visitors into school to enhance our offer. This includes the NSPCC, Coram Education Life Bus and Road Safety talks.  PHSE/HRSE is integrated across our whole curriculum, for example in History we teach about tolerance through our three Black History units and in Geography we teach about the diversity of our communities and the role children have to play in looking after the world as God’s creation. 
