Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2021.22
What is Pupil Premium?
In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. The money is sent to schools based on the numbers of pupils in school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it was expanded to include all those children who have been eligible for free school meals within the last six years. This brings in additional funding to the school which is effectively allocated to support these children both within and outside the curriculum. This funding currently stands at £1,320 per child and £1,900 for Looked After Children.
At Alston Lane Catholic Primary School, we believe that teaching and learning is at the heart of raising pupil attainment and supporting children emotionally to achieve their potential. As a result, the funding we receive, which is below the national average, supports higher levels of teaching assistant support in our classes. This support, in all classes each morning, and for at least two afternoons per class in the afternoon (higher in KS1), means that small group support, 1:1 teaching and other interventions to close gaps in learning, can take place. Teaching assistants are also an essential asset each morning as children enter school. They are available for children to talk to, share worries with and generally act as a buffer between home and school. This enables children to start each school day, in the right frame of mind to do their best and reach their potential.
The amount of Pupil Premium funding received in 2021.22 was £22,975
At Alston Lane, we also use Pupil Premium funding to support the wider curriculum. Visits and trips are funded for eligible children, which includes residential visits. We also fund music lessons for children who wish to take part. We currently offer brass, keyboard, drums and guitar lessons and the take up is excellent for most eligible Key Stage 2 children.
The residential offer ensures Year 4 children visiting Towerwood, as well as the Year 6 children visiting France, have equal access.
The report at the top of this page, articulates our spending of this grant.
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funding
All pupils in reception, year one or year two in primary schools are entitled to free school meals.
Children in other years could get free school meals if you receive qualifying benefits.
You can apply online by following the link below.
LCC Free School Meals eligibility website and application form